Vergilio Nonprofit Consulting

Since 2000, Vergilio Consulting has worked with more than 500 charities, nonprofits, public sector organization, associations and social enterprises across Canada with the goal to improve organization's capacity and capabilities.

The Goal

With a fresh new look and a new focused service offering, the website received a full redesign. Gina wanted to make sure that the consulting service was representative of what she offers to clients and how she works to build a team that create comprehensive solutions to nonprofits.

Website Design & Development

The new website is fully responsive and WCAG compliant. The homepage quickly pulls people deeper into the website while demonstrating the experience and breadth of services that are offered.


The Results

Company staff are able to make changes to all major elements of the website internally. The file sharing system displays as a folder structure, making it very easy to manage project documents in a familiar interface.

Are you looking for help with an website or online portal?

We love working with organizations to help them better work with their community, members and providers.

If you’re looking to develop a member portal, let us know and we will be happy to discuss your project with you.

CTA form

Form used at bottom of specific pages.